I represented a client recently in a divorce action who did not have an attorney at his previous order for protection hearing
I represented a client recently in a divorce action who did not have an attorney at his previous order for protection hearing. This particular client was not a citizen of the United States and he had asked for an evidentiary hearing at the Order for Protection. The court after the hearing made a finding that domestic abuse had occurred. Had he been represented by an attorney this would never have happened. Competent attorneys know that if they are representing in an order for protection action a noncitizen that it is absolutely imperative to have no findings of domestic abuse. Instead an attorney would agree to the order for protection with NO FINDINGS made. This is one of many cases where saving a little bit of money in one case (not hiring an attorney) can have disastrous consequences. My client (who I did not represent at the order for protection hearing) will now have serious immigration and possible deportation consequences due to his not being represented at the order for protection hearing. Kristine J. Zajac does family and criminal law . Her phone number is 612-789-2300.